Locust - Swarm 10 (Actually Cicadas) Coming to Your Yard Soon.

Cicadas from the largest group termed Group 10, last emerged 17 years ago and will come back in 2021.

There are several groups of cicadas, each with their own swarm schedules both different years and different times between 17 years and 13 years. After a brief emergence into the world in April through July.

The Group 10 cicadas which are up to 3 inches long with large wings lacking any color but also having large eyes.

This is their mating season, sort of like Spock’s Pom Farr, is limited to a brief period many years apart.

The cicada males will occasionally “sing,” a deafening noise which can be heard from long distances. This synchronized group sing is a call for females to mate.

In some areas there can be dense swarms flying around, this time along the East coast region from Tennessee to New York.

They only live a few weeks after emerging. They mate, the females lay eggs, then they die.

Cicadas may frighten you, but they don’t feed as grasshoppers or locusts (which are actually large swarms of one kind of grasshopper.)

A large swarm of locusts will destroy plants but cicadas will not strip your plants of leaves or even nibble on your carefully tended garden.

When soil temperatures reach about 65° F the swarm will emerge so you can predict when they are likely to appear by keeping track of average temperatures.

It is probably not a good idea to try and kill off a swarm with insecticide because they actually do little if any damage.


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