Some "Common Sense" Musings.
If a vegetarian eats only vegetables
and a pescatarian eats vegetables and
an ovo-lacto vegetarian eats vegetables,
eggs, and milk products,
Why do people brag about being a humanitarian?
According to Summer’s Eve women have a “UNIQUE”
Ph (base/acid balance).
That brings up the question of how unique is something
Which 4.2 BILLION humans have?
A bag of flour now has “Do not eat raw” printed
somewhere on the package. Does even a lawyer
think anyone stupid enough to eat cups of raw
wheat flour can actually READ?
When Senators and members of the House of Representatives
insist they can’t do something logical and beneficial because
they only represent the wishes of their constituents, is that ONLY
then 60-70% of people approve of something like gun control or
increasing minimum wage, or COVID funding? OR do they
Only listen to constituents who raise a lot of bribes, (oops, I mean
“campaign money”) from oil or gun companies?
If every insurance company says you can save hundreds
of dollars by switching to them, then by going to three or four
insurance companies one after the other
does your cost go so low the fifth Insurance
company must PAY you to insure with them?
Who actually believes the TV weather person who tells
you it will be 47 degrees tomorrow (NOT 46 degrees or
48 degrees) just because thermometers
are usually digital? We all know they are often wrong
about whether it will rain next Tuesday but they think
people will believe them when they say it will be 73 degrees
at noon on tuesday. In a profession where you keep your job
If you are right half the time, is it any wonder TV weather people
are either young and very pretty or dignified and handsome?
ever seen one bald or in a wheelchair?
If a driver says God helped him win, does that mean
God hated all the other drivers or just that they hadn’t
prayed hard enough?
If college football players work makes the school $25,000,000
each year by getting their IQs lowered by constantly being
hit on the head HARD, why don’t they make at least minimum wage?
Is it strange that people who object to having a minimum wage which
lets you feed a family AND pay rent always seem to have three houses
and a new car every two years?
TV - “You know me and how I feel about my cars!” REALLY? You are a rich
black actor, how many people who need car insurance actually “know
ME”? You might be a great guy and an insurance and car expert, but
all we really know is there are some very exotic cars behind you and you
were in some TV shows. Desks are in a lot of police procedurals, so
are guns, do they know a lot about insurance?
What makes a pair of weird colored sneakers worth $3,000? Is anyone
dumb enough to believe they will be worth more than $10 in 20 years?
apparently there are.
Is it any wonder poor people stay poor when a bank will only lend
you money after you prove beyond any question that you don’t need it?
Is there any connection between all the singing Seresto flea collar commercials
and the increasing evidence that it has killed 1700 dogs, made about 50,000 very ill,
and made about 1000 humans sick? If there is then what should we conclude
when we suddenly see a lot of ads for something which has been around
for a long time?
stupid things people want to protect really stupid
people from is that the lawyers are just making a
The problem is judges who permit this sort of
case being permitted in the courts at all.