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by the way, if and when I see any comments posted (negative, positive, neutral) and I know someone is reading, I will begin posting very often.

For instance, the new head of the CIA testified for several hours, most of the time was spent on china and north korean threats. the u.s. media took a few sentences of his testimory before congress and blew it up into "al-Queida is still dangerous" - well, duh.

Just goes to show the media and government conspiricy to keep fear the dominant feature of the modern united states. One profits by being able to generate ad revenue while the other gets to tax us and scare people into permitting any and every violation of the bill of rights immaginable by what would be the lunatic paranoid fringe if it weren't for things like The Patriot Act which show that they are neither paranoid or lunatics for claiming that democracy has been stolen away from the citizens of the united states.


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