ESPN's McHdnry Goes Ape on Tow Company Clerk - my suggestions
Rules of etiquette, why the waitress spit in your food: Britt McHenry was caught on camera ranting against a polite tow company clerk, the incident goes viral, she gets suspended, and she may be fired. Here is what you should do in her situation. Advanced towing in Arlington, VA (just across the river from Washington, D.C.) hooked up and removed her car for a parking violation and when she showed up to pay for the incident she made a few choice comments caught on tape. "It makes my skin crawl even being here," McHenry told the clerk. "Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh? Cause they look so stunning." "I'm on television and you're in a f***ing trailer, honey," she pointed out, forgetting that many famous actors sit around in trailers while waiting to be called on set. McHenry also gives some fashion and personal development tips, saying, "lose some weight, baby girl." Now what I want to talk abo...