
Showing posts from 2011

John McCormick added you to his circles and invited you to join Google+

John McCormick added you to his circles and invited you to join Google+. Join Google+ Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Circles An easy way to share some things with college buddies, others with your parents, and almost nothing with your boss. Just like in real life. Hangouts Conversations are better face-to-face. Join a video hangout from your computer or mobile phone to catch up, watch YouTube videos together, or swap stories with up to 9 of your friends at once. Mobile Lightning-fast group chat. Photos that upload themselves. A bird's-eye view of what's happening nearby. We built Google+ with mobile in mind. You received this message because John McCormick invited to join Google+. Unsubscribe from these emails.

Newsblaze articles through Nov 11

John McCormick����������������������������������������J�o�h�n� �M�c�C�o�r�m�i�c�k���0����J�o�h�n� �A�.� �M�c�C�o�r�m�i�c�k� �I�n�c�.���R���'�3�1�7� �b�a�r�n�e� -- John Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant Horse Ranch For Sale $10k/yr  net from gas royalties

Google+ The Latest in Social Networking?

Google+ The Latest in Social Networking?

Will Storage Discovery Make Hydrogen-Powered Cars a Reality?

Will Storage Discovery Make Hydrogen-Powered Cars a Reality?

Record early snow fall

Click on my story to see photos of the ranch in this early season snowfall.

Facebook Threat to Personal Liberty

Facebook is using facial recognition software to link images. This could result in someone (including violent EX, the "mob", or the government locating you anywhere. See my story on

Burg Film makers to launch local investigative web site

Recently named the most livable city in the U.S. the Pittsburgh Filmmakers are about to launch a locally-oriented investigative news service online improving the city's cultural and news environment even more.

H1N1 Swine Flu Confers Super Immunity!

The Swine Flu, which infected 55million plus last year has apparently triggered a kind of superimmunity which even fights the deadly bird flu. It isn't yet known if the regular flu shot this year which contained H1N1 Swine Flu protection has also caused this superimmunity. See the full story at:

Absolution by iPad? Confession, Forgiveness, Are Indulgences Next?

Has the Vatican found a new way to address the shortage of priests by turning to silicon? Unless I've missed something in history, in the Middle Ages Martin Luther became so incensed by the Roman Catholic Church selling indulgences - basically get out of hell for a fee - that he split Christianity into Catholic and Protestant. See the full story at

The End of Back Pain? Sometimes It's All In The Head - So Is The Treatment

Back pain is difficult to treat but recent discoveries show that in some cases some of it is literally all in the head - structural changes in the brain. And there may be a simple non analgesic treatment. See my story of this legitimate breakthrough at