
Showing posts from 2010

Find best holiday prices online even if you go to the store

Even if you are shopping at the mall you need to comparison shop prices online at these sites or check your local store's inventory online. Read the full story at:

CyberWar by WikiLeaks Defenders Builds While Xipwire Accepts Funds

Is Wikileaks really to blame when newspapers have already published the same memos? Did you know that the hackers supporting Wikileaks are NOT stealing credit card info, only protesting in the same way people did in the 70's? While Xipwire remains the only U.S. site accepting funds for WikiLeaks, hackers conducting a DoS attack on Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal are expected to target Amazon next.

Learn about the Zombie DoS Attacks Supporting WikiLeaks

What you need to know about the current spate of Zombie Denial of Service attacks against Visa and MasterCard and in support of WikiLeaks. Also, what is 'ping' and, for that matter, what is 'TRON?'

Reverse Mortgages Simple as the Ads Portray? Not By a Long Shot!

Despite the many TV ads touting the virtues of reverse mortgages, what they fail to say is that, although this is sometimes a reasonably simple process, often it can be extremely complex with banks stringing people along for many months before reaching a decision, even electing to ignore appraisals. See the start of my investigative series at:

Dines has been predicting the collapse of paper money for decades - and it's all happening now.

"GOLDBUG!" - Book Review - A Lifetime of Investing Knowledge from James Dines Mr. Dines' most telling statement about gold money vs. paper currency is that he will believe paper is as good as gold when women get as excited about receiving a paper ring as they do when they get a solid gold ring. Sara Palin is last in line with her complaints about printing money in excess (QE2) but she is correct. Audit the Fed.

Outlook for Nuclear Power Changed by Election

Republican surge may bring common sense to the need for green nuclear power.

Honest Vote Count? Hacking Voting Machines for Fun and Profit

How secure are electronic voting machines? Not very secure according to recurring university studies and hacker success. See my story online for details.

China vitrually ownes the U.S. government and controls critical materials

U.S Debt - What Happens if Washington Annoys China? China not only holds $1T of U.S. debt, the Asian economic powerhouse also holds a monopoly on the materials needed for electric cars, CFL lights, LEDs, wind turbines, the Army's main battle tank, smart bombs, cell phones, computer hard drives, etc.

High-Paying Green Jobs in U.S. - Another Fantasy

It is great to think we could be come a world leader again in something other than debt (U.S. debt is now larger than all the budgets of all but two other countries combined!), but are anything but blue collar jobs in store? I've nothing against blue collar - heck, I've been a heavy equipment mechanic myself, but read my article and see if you understand why all the green jobs will be in construction or assembly for foreign companies.

Eating in Downtown Punxy over Groundhog Weekend

The good, the bad, and the tasteless. Also, a close look at The Monkey Steps!

Don't pay for FREE Credit Reports - The FTC says they are really FREE

Don't fall for the TV ads offering credit reports, they want to sell you something. Federal law REQUIRES that the credit agencies give you a free report if you ask. No subscriptions, no special services - just free for asking. For details see my story -- John

Finding Relatives in Haiti

My story with links to a survivor database for Haitians and phone numbers for those seeking Americans who were in Haiti. -- John

International Organization Certifies Online Medical Information

HON, an NGO affiliate of the world health organization, certifies web sites as providing reputable medical information.

Is there a better place for your money than your mattress? or a bank?

Big banks aren't interested in your community. Small local banks or credit unions are the way to go.

What DO they say about high-fructose corn syrup?

Among other things, "they" say it often contains mercury and we eat far too much of it because it is in too many processed foods.

Why do TV investment shows give such bad advice?

Why do TV business shows always ask the same advisors what stocks to buy even when their picks are really poor investments? Simple, they don't care if you make money, just so you keep watching.

Will the $ be devalued and gold confiscated (again)?

Fools and Their Money - Will gold be confiscated by the U.S. Government (again)? Would silver be better for a small investor?

Fools' Gold column about scams and other bad ideas including buying fake gold goins from TV ads.

Fools and their Money - Secret Shopper This is a topic you see every week on TV Court shows where someone gets a big check, tricks a friend into cashing it, and then it bounces a week later. What keeps people hooked is, SURPRISE, the there really are secret shoppers! I investigated this several years ago by applying and becoming a secret shopper entirely over the internet. It was a 100% legitimate operation. What made that secret shopper "job" different was the way it operated.