
Showing posts from 2009

Fools and their Money - Secret Shoppers The next consumer column covers the truth and lies about "secret shoppers."

John Mccormick my new Practical Consumer Column on

I've been a consumer reporter for decades mostly related to high technology but now I have an opportunity to point out fraud and deception in everyday ads which cost consumers billion$ every year. The first issue explains why it is dumb (really dumb!) to pay more than about $30 for an electric space heater. I'll be covering a lot of common problems such as work-at-home and secret shoppers (good and bad), how to buy and sell gold. Puppy mills and pet stores.   Siliconsamurai -- John Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant Some of my recent stories Economist Always Tell the Truth? Trust Me Mattress Money? The Silhouettes in October 1957: 'Get a Job' Easter Egg Hunt G...

Coffee Fights Alzheimer’s

Coffee, more precisely, the caffeine equivalent of 5 cups of coffee has been shown to help prevent Alzheimer’s and memory loss, it can even help reverse the terrible condition. The amount needed is 500 milligrams per day for an adult human – this isn’t specific to coffee, caffeine pills, or colas also work and this isn’t just due to the stimulus effect,   it is a chemical reaction in the brain. Journal of Alzheimer’s Vol. 17, No.3 “moderate caffeine administration protects/restores cognitive function and suppresses brain amyloid-β” BBC story

Swine Flu Hoaxes, lies, and misstatements do masks work? do hand sanitizers do anything?

Swine Flu Hoaxes, lies, and misstatements -- John Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant Some of my recent stories Economist Always Tell the Truth? Trust Me Mattress Money? The Silhouettes in October 1957: 'Get a Job' Easter Egg Hunt Goes to the Dogs in Indiana Pennsylvania Gas and Oil Companies Fail to Prepare for Next Energy Crisis

H1N1 Swine Flu updates from my newsblaze stories

Swine Flu Threat - NOT the Feared H5N1 Bird Flu Swine Flu - Prevention Swine Flu Confirmed in Europe Why Does Swine Flu Kill Healthy People? Swine Flu Update – CDC Community Guidelines

Selenium + Cruciferous Veg fight melanoma

Selenium + Cruciferous Veg fight melanoma Recent research shows that melanoma can be fought with a combination of selenium and green vegetables including cabbage, broccoli, and others block the Akt3 protein and "signaling" network which is the root of melanoma cancer. -- John Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant

free oneday pass to sams club discounts

go to the allstate site and click on the sams club special offer this probably won't work with a dial up connection -- John

Can You Stall Foreclosure?

OFTEN! What is "produce the note?" You say your mortgage has passed through so many hands that you don't know who holds it now so you can't negotiate? Well, guess what, the company threatening you with foreclosure may not know (or, more importantly, can't prove) where your mortgage originated! This is great news because in many instances a judge won't order foreclosure without the original "note" with your signature. (There is also a more complicated way to do this in States where a judicial order isn't required.) There is now a grass roots movement to use a legal "produce the note" demand to stall foreclosure long enough that homeowners can work out something. I'm not offering legal advice and have no idea whether this will work in other jurisdictions (the movement began in Florida) but, even if foreclosure is inevitable, it only seems poetic justice to tie up the companies which preyed on novice home buyers. It would also give...

Money, money, money (ABBA) - it's only paper

Paper is money, not currency. Trees are cheap. -jm "No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts..." Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 Constitution of The United States of America Paper is not gold or silver coin. What is so difficult to understand?  Even a politician should be able to read-jm

H5N1 Strain Kills 19-year-old in China

For those who have fogotten, Bird Flu (specifically the H5N1 strain) is a major threat to the world's population. The last major pandemic in WWI killed about 100 million and there is really no better treatment today if/when a pandemic strikes. About the only good treatment is supportive - that is, putting patients on breathing assistance, but in a pandemic there will only be a few machines to share out among each 1,000 patients. Bird Flu is most dangerous to the young with strong immune systems. For the latest information on the situation in China and Viet Nam, see China has reported that a young woman recently contracted and died from Bird Flu after buying and cooking some ducks. WHO report: "The Ministry of Health in China has reported a new case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case is a 19-year old female from Chaoyang District, Beijing. She developed symptoms on 24 Dec 2008, was hospitalize...

Resolved - Keeping New Year's Promises

I don't understand the people who say they can't keep their New Year's resolutions. I always keep mine - it is just a matter of being realistic. Mine is always the same: "Never make New Year's resolutions" Simple, easy to keep, and generally a way to feel good about yourself all year. -- John