After the suicide of a 13-year-old girl who was bullied by an adult neighbor, it was discovered that it wasn't actually illegal in some states so new laws were passed in and people are now being prosecuted for similar activities. There are some complaints already surfacing that this violates free speech. Ridiculous! As is the dumb statement that that "kids will be kids." Yes, kids will be kids, but names can not only hurt but kill and it is the job of adults and society in general to bring up children as responsible social beings, not dismiss bullying and other bad behaviors as just "kid stuff." Yes, it is kid stuff, but kids are basically wild animals and as parents have increasingly left the rearing of children to TV, movies, and greedy media moguls, almost daily we see more and more signs of just how close we are coming to real-life "Lord of the Flys." As a long time reporter and member of the only non government profession other than ministers whic...