
Showing posts from September, 2008

Some secrets they aren't telling you

OK, time for straight talk. There are some things you aren't likely to hear on TV because they correctly fear panic. We are in a time of crisis. There is no money in most banks to fund continuing operations of most businesses. They told you that on TV. They forgot to mention two businesses which need vast amounts of temporary credit to operate from day to day. Gas stations Supermarkets Both have very small profit margins and both need to have operating credit to buy stock (gasoline and food). At this point in the financial situation of the WORLD, the credit is just not there - YOUR credit card limit has probably just dropped even if you have GREAT credit. It really doesn't matter if your gas station or supermarket has wonderful credit if the banks simply refuse to lend it out even for a week. Only the government was able to lend money to Ford, Chrysler, or GM last week - they had all run out of operating cash. So, what happens when supermarkets and gas stations can't fin...